Lower Body Lift


Lower Body Lift

Body lift procedures can effectively remove excess skin in a number of areas, and can be especially helpful to patients who have experienced substantial weight loss.  A lower body lift includes an abdominoplasty, and extends around the hips and buttock.  This results in a removal of loose, redundant skin of the upper and lower abdomen as well as a lift of the lateral thighs and a lift of the buttocks.  This surgery attends to many of the problem areas seen after a large weight loss and eliminates excess skin of the mid-body, all the way around. 

The surgery is done by two board certified plastic surgeons, composing a team to shorten your surgery, there-by reducing your surgical risk.  This is a longer surgery and it is important to minimize your time under anesthesia, keeping you safer. 

Recovery for this surgery can take 4-6 weeks.  Healing is demanding on your body, and your health should be optimized before surgery.  Ideal candidates for lower body lift should be at their ideal weight, having stabilized for at least 6 months prior to surgery. 


Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a Consultation


201 East North Street
Greenville, SC 29601

Phone: 864-263-7205

Hours: Monday to Friday : 9am – 5pm


305 West Alexander Avenue
Greenwood, SC 29646

Phone: 864-263-7205
Hours: Monday to Friday : 9am – 5pm