Breast lift


Breast Lift – Mastopexy

Serving Greenwood, Greenville, Columbia, South Carolina & nearby Augusta, Georgia

Age, pregnancy, genetics and dramatic weight loss can all contribute to the development of sagging or drooping breasts. For many women, a breast lift, or mastopexy, can restore a firm, more youthful, natural appearance. Your consultation with Cedar Rock Plastic Surgery will determine if a breast lift is the best solution for your individual condition and body type.

Please call our Greenwood office at 864-725-2948 today.

Breast Lift Candidates

A breast lift may be used to correct issues including:

Stretched breast skin

Good candidates for a breast lift are women who are in good general health and nicotine-free for at least six weeks prior to surgery. It is very important for this procedure (even more than some other procedures) to be nicotine-free.

Breast Lift Procedure

The specifics of your breast lift procedure will depend largely on your individual needs, but the idea is to lift, tighten and firm your breasts to a more appealing and comfortable position.

Typically, a breast lift involves elevating the nipples and areolas to a higher position then removing excess skin, repositioning breast tissue to a higher profile and reshaping the breast skin for a naturally contoured appearance. For women who have smaller breasts that have lost volume, breast implants may be used in conjunction with a breast lift to achieve consistent, pleasing results.

Breast Lifts and Scarring

During your personal mastopexy consultation, Dr. Culpepper or Dr. Fowler will discuss with you in detail your breast lift options as well as all potential complications and side-effects, including scarring.

Unlike breast augmentation, in which the breast implant insertion scars are concealed, the incision scars from a breast lift will remain visible on the breasts, and the extent to which they fade varies from patient to patient. While many women find the tradeoff for a more youthful look and feel to be worth it, residual scars are an important consideration.

If you would like to learn more about breast lifts and other breast enhancement options, please contact the Greenwood, South Carolina, office of Cedar Rock Plastic Surgery by calling 864-725-2948. We are pleased to serve patients in Greenville, Anderson, Columbia, and Laurens, South Carolina, as well as Augusta, Georgia.


Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a Consultation


201 East North Street
Greenville, SC 29601

Phone: 864-263-7205

Hours: Monday to Friday : 9am – 5pm


305 West Alexander Avenue
Greenwood, SC 29646

Phone: 864-263-7205
Hours: Monday to Friday : 9am – 5pm